Thursday, December 25, 2008

Know Your Audience

You probably know if you've read this blog before, but my dad's a priest. He's a really good one too. As a good priest, he preaches to his congregation at each church service with great enthusiasm. He would never preach at people, you know, like those people on the subway. One of the very many things that differentiates my dear father from those hell fire and brimstone people you see on the street is that he understands the importance of knowing his audience. If, for example, he decided to give a sermon in a subway car, he knows no one would listen. (And thank God, he would never do that either.) Instead, he might offer a small act of kindness: hold a car door open, offer a hand to someone who slipped. Little things that make others feel better, not inferior.

He knows his audience and he works with them to deliver the right message. That being said, my first night home for Christmas as we gathered around the table for dinner, he offered this blessing: Good food. Good meat. Good God. Let's Eat.

Like I said, he knows his audience. I love you Dad!