Of course as I'm getting off the subway at my stop, I see one of the nerdy white guys from my speed dating adventure head to the stairs right in front of me. What do I do? Cower behind him, hoping he doesn't see me of course.
Of course he is wearing the same aquamarine polo he had on when I saw him last.
Of course he is going ridiculously slowly.
Of course he heads to the same exit I do.
Of course I have to almost come to a dead stop so I don't literally run into him.
Of course I follow him down the street a block, not speeding up for fear of passing him and of him recognizing me and of him accosting me in the street.
Of course it's Mike D. 207, the editor of a cable TV magazine.
Of course.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Speed Dating (Update) - Mike D. 207
Posted by
12:28 AM
Speed Dating
From urbandictionary.com . . .
speed date: (v)
- An organised social event to facilitate meeting new people, usually for hetrosexuals wishing to meet new potential partners. Equal numbers of both sexes attend, usually paying a gratuity of around GBP£20. Each spends about three minutes talking to each member of the oppposite sex - the social interaction that takes place therein is referred to as a "speed date." At the end of the evening everyone marks on a card who they would like to date again and who they wouldn't. The organisers then swap contact information between matches - usually an email address or mobile phone number. Speed dating apparently started in New York, and was popularised by TV show 'Sex In The City'. It is now most popular amongst professionals in their mid 20's and 30's.
- when 2 members of the oppostite sex meet for a 20 min date ofcoffee and conversation. this situation leave more options ie. if you like her you might let her buy you dinner. if she winds up being a freakshow you can always say. "ah shucks... i forgot... i need to go floss my cat"
For some reason, I've always been fascinated with the idea of speed dating. I remember hearing about it on the news when I was in high school and thinking it was the stupidest idea ever. "Who wouldn't have time to go on a date," I thought. You get older, and you get a little wiser. The concept sounded kind of fun: you get a bunch of random strangers together and have a bunch of mini dates. Maybe you meet someone awesome, but if not you've only wasted an hour.
Last week, I finally had my chance to go. A friend had a coupon for $5 speed dating, so we signed up. Most speed dating companies charge around $40 a pop which is why I was always hesitant to sign up. But for $5? Sure, sign me up. (They apparently needed more women which is how we got it $5.)
I went into the night with no expectations except to have fun. The event was held at Battery Gardens in Battery Park. They have a really nice patio area right on the water. The sunset in the west, Statue of Liberty to the south, Brooklyn to the east. What more could you ask for in terms of setting?
My friend and I got there early to have a drink and relax a bit before things got underway. The event started a little late, but not to worry. There were nine guys and nine girls - a low turn out but still ok. The girls ranged from really pretty to about average with the majority being average. On a really good day I would rate myself as gorgeous (obviously); that day, I was in the above average group. The guys, on the other hand, leaned heavily to the "Sarah's not attracted to you" side of the scale. Two were Indian (I really have trouble with the accent), three were white (very, very white) from NY/NJ who had never left the tri-state area (going to Rutgers does not count as leaving home), one was African (he was intriguing), one was of Filipino descent but from NJ (he was intriguing), two were African American (one hot, one not).
I wish I could somehow explain the nerdy white guys. I'm sure you know the type. Their entire extended families live in NY, NJ, or CT. They've never lived anywhere but one of those three states, although they would "consider" it. They hold jobs like professional organizer (dead serious) or cable tv magazine editor (still serious). Unlike all the other people in the group, male and female, they've done speed dating multiple times without success. Ok, ok. Maybe they were successful, but I wouldn't count on it.
I can talk to anyone for a period of time, but these guys made me count down the eight minutes. They also made me work for a conversation which is just bad news. I get that there are socially awkward people, but don't make it awkward for me too. If your cat is more responsive in conversation than you are, don't go to a social event like this. And don't be surprised that I know what a professional organizer is.
I left the event with two guys I was interested in: the Filipino guy and the hot black guy. I entered my selections of "2nd date" online the next day, but so far no response. Fortunately, there's nothing lost. See, after the event, you go to the website and everyones' name and random number (it's on their nametag) is listed. For each person, you select 2nd Date, Friendship, Business, or nothing at all. If the other person selects the same thing you selected (say, 2nd Date), then the site forwards your contact info to the other person. If there's not a match (2nd date v. friendship), then nothing happens.
Oh well - nothing ventured, nothing gained. I just want to know where the attractive-single-and-attracted-to-Sarah-guys are. I may even settle for moderately-attractive-single-and-attracted-to-Sarah guys. Maybe.
Posted by
12:21 AM
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Free and the City
It's summer in New York and that means tons of free stuff to do - sweet. Working for virtually nothing means it's great to find free stuff. Here's a list of things I've found to do in and around the city.
Ongoing through September 30 (a.k.a. Sarah's new work out schedule)
Tuesdays - 6:30 p.m. - Pilates in Rivereside Park
Wednesdays - 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Game Night in Bryant Park - Southwest Porch - free games like taboo and jenga! Also, a really fun outdoor bar. There's porch swings, rocking chairs, benches, $9 drinks. Ok, the $9 drink part I'd change if I could, but it's a fun spot. Whatever you do, don't go to the Bryant Park Grill. It's just not good.
Thursdays - 6:00 p.m. - Yoga in Bryant Park
Saturdays - 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. - Yoga in the Socrates Sculpture Park
Sundays - 10:00 a.m. - Pilates in the Socrates Sculpture Park
Now - August 1 - Shakespeare in the Park - Uh, free show with Al Pacino and Jesse L. Martin. There's no question I'll go at some point. Yes, you have to wait in line starting at the crack of dawn to get tickets, but it's totally worth it. (You can pay $175/ticket too, but why do that when you can get them for free?)
Now - June 27 - Key to the City - This is perhaps the coolest thing I've heard of so far this summer. You go to a kiosk in Times Square with a friend where you pick up a key to the city. You bestow a key to your friend and they bestow one to you. (These aren't my rules.) Anyways, the keys unlock one of 25 secret places in one of the five boroughs. For example, one key opens a closet in Gracie Mansion. Another gets you a special treat at an ice cream shop. Most keys unlock a secret through Labor Day.
Now - October 8 - Free Bike Fridays - Governor's Island - trade your driver's license for a bike.
Now - October 31 - Pool in Battery Park - uh, who knew there were free pool tables in Battery Park? Head to Rockefeller Park (in Battery Park) to pick up cues. Not me, but I do know there's ping pong in Bryant Park.
Now - Fall - New York Outrigger - apparently these things are Hawaiian canoes and more difficult to navigate. Sure, I'll take a lesson.
Now - Fall - Kayaking in the Hudson - the mafia dropped bodies in the East River so you'll be fine in the Hudson.
Wednesday, 6/9 - 8:00 p.m. - Norah Jones Concert - Prospect Park
Saturday, 6/12 - Brooklyn Botanic Garden Bee-Day Party
Saturday, 6/12 & Sunday, 6/13 - Big Apple BBQ - not free but only $8/plate.
Saturday, 6/19 - 2:00 p.m. - Mermaid Parade - Coney Island
Sunday, 6/27 - Polo on Governor's Island - Prince Harry will be there. Need I say more?
Sunday, 6/27 - 12:00 p.m. - Grits Throwdown - Not free and no Prince Harry, but GRITS! Some
friends are trying to convince me to enter my shrimp and grits, but I'm pushing for a day of polo matches followed by making shrimp and grits. That should work, right?
Mondays, 6/28 - 8/23 - Movies at Bryant Park - I'm trying to figure out if I can get food delivered to the park. Otherwise, I'll just send someone out to get us something.
Thursdays, 7/8 - 8/12 - Broadway in Bryant Park - different performances each week.
Tuesday, 7/13 - New York Philharmonic in Central Park - Great Lawn
Wednesday, 7/14 - New York Philharmonic in Central Park - yes, it's two nights. That's not a typo. Branford Marsalis guest performs.
Wednesday, 7/21 - Daily Show and Friends at Summer Stage - hosted by Lewis Black.
Friday, 8/13 - Blondie and Pat Benatar - Seaside Summer Concert Series at Coney Island
Sony Wonder Lab
New York Classical Theatre
Shakespeare in the Parking Lot
Nurse Bettie - ooh, la, la. Burlesque shows. Find them on Facebook for a password for a free drink.
Right Rides - Right Rides provides free rides home for women and members of the LGBTQ community. That's right, free. It's a pretty awesome organization. Donate to them.
Museums - most of them have a suggested donation amount, but you can donate less if need be.
Posted by
10:33 PM
Stephen Colbert and Peaches
Still one of my all time favorite clips.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
National Peach Month | ||||
www.colbertnation.com | ||||
Posted by
8:29 PM
Things Not to Include in a Dating Profile
1. I like fencing, swimming, and video games.
- You like one of them? Sure. Put it in. All three? Don't admit it to strangers.
2. I'm working at Best Buy.
- Congrats on the job after college (seriously), but don't spend all your money on video games.
3. I'm really good at . . .
- Sarah shakes her head and says, "Oh, lord."
Posted by
12:04 AM
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Little Girl Goes East
Back in February, I had a pretty rough week. The boy and I were no longer the boy and I, work was ridiculous because of crazy snow storms, and to top it off, my dog died. Like I said, not one of the best weeks ever.
My sister called to tell me about Belle, my 12 year old yellow lab. It was time for her annual check up, and my sister and my mom loaded her up in the car to take her to the vet. While there, they learned that Belle had some serious health problems and that it would be in Belle's best interest to put her to sleep. They decided to go ahead and put her to sleep at that visit. Fortunately, Belle wasn't in pain, and I'm glad that my mom and sister were with her.
Before calling to tell me the news, my sister Kate called my friend Erich to tell him the news in case I needed a hug. Crying on the phone to him, she explained that Belle was put to sleep and asked that he check on me. I've heard the story from both of them regarding the incident and it makes me smile every time I think about it a couple of reasons. First, Erich knew that something serious had to have happened for Kate to call him. Having talked to my sister on the phone while she's crying, I know it's sometimes difficult to decipher what's going on. When he realized she was calling to tell me about my dog, he thought she was crazy. Second, the fact that Kate called Erich in the first place to tell him what happened and to tell him to check on me shows me what a fantastic sister she is. I can't imagine life without her. We didn't always get along as kids and we're still pretty different, but I know she'll always be there for me.
And now, Kate's moving to China. She heads to Guangzhou, China on July 30 where she'll be the new Athletic Trainer for the American International School of Guangzhou for the next school year. I'm super excited for Kate and definitely a little bit jealous. It will be an incredible adventure, and I can't wait to visit her. (You know I'm gonna figure out a way to get there even if it's by boat.) I'm excited to hear about her culture shock (because you know it's gonna happen) and how she adapts to living in a large city. (Kate doesn't really like NYC because it's too big. Guangzhou has 12 million people. NYC has 8 million.) She just started a new blog to document everything.
Little Girl - I hope you have the most amazing adventure possible. I can't wait to hear all about your experiences. I'm so proud of you. I love you, and I found this song just for you.
Posted by
11:58 PM