Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Missin' Nola like whoa

It's official; I'm living in Oxford. Notice I did not say Mississippi. Just like when I lived in New Orleans, I did not say I lived in Louisiana.

It's definitely weird moving to a brand new place. I still feel like I'm visiting. Very slowly I am unpacking. It's as if I don't unpack I can still leave. If I unpack, then I am here to stay. Don't get me wrong - I am excited to start school back. I am excited to meet new people. I am excited to start new things, but I am scared as well. Scared that I'm making the wrong decision. Scared that I came to the wrong place. Scared that I'm doing the wrong thing. Scared that I won't meet new people.

I know that's all impossible. I know that it was time to leave New Orleans. I know that I've only been here for three days and that obviously it will take longer to feel more comfortable. I know it all. It doesn't mean that I don't have irrational fears though.

I miss home. I miss normalcy. I miss my job where I did everything was underappreciated and underpaid. Whine, whine, whine. Ok, enough of that. I'm done whining - at least online. I do want a hug though.

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