Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quick Snapshot in Time

Train ride to Pleasantville, NY.

Birthday celebration (not mine) at Milon.

Central Park Dance Skaters

Barnum and Bailey elephants stroll down 34th street in the rain.

The elephants can't go up the escalator at Penn Station,
so they have to walk to Madison Square garden.

Pickling - you know you're jealous.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Judge Me If You Will

So I know I'm a bit judgmental at times. Ok, maybe I'm a lot judgmental. But, there's a guy I'm friends with on facebook that I knew in elementary school and then we worked at The Limited together one summer and now he's married and obsessed with paintball. He has an entire photo album of his paintball gear. (Correction: he has multiple albums of his paintball gear.)

And if your name is xxleyecandy, I really don't want to talk to you. I don't care if you think we could be good together. I can't get over the fact that your name is xxleyecandy. Perhaps I'm a little worried that you think I'm xxleyecandy. But even still, just go.

And I really want to rant about some stuff from work right now, not work itself, more like stuff I'm fortunate enough to encounter in my day-to-day, but it would be a bit unprofessional. And, seeing as how anyone could stumble across this blog, I'm gonna just avoid that. Those stories are perhaps best for vocalizing instead of writing, but boy did I come across some winners recently. I do just want to say . . . nope, can't even do it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Remember FD1? I woke up to an e-mail telling me he "winked" at me the other day. Ugh.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Matching 102

It's Friday night and I'm sitting at home watching episodes of What Not to Wear. I've decided it's time. Time to get back out there. Time to jump back into the dating world. I resubscribed to Match.

I'm still not sure what I think about trying Match again. I know my experience will be different than it was last time, and I'm kind of excited about that. If nothing else, I know I'll get some good stories out it. I hope to find more than just stories, but I'm keeping my expectations at a lower level for the moment.

The boy and I broke up a month ago. I know myself well enough to know that I won't completely let go until I find someone or something else (take your mind out of the gutter) to occupy my time. Even still, I don't usually let people go completely. We'll see how that goes.

Yesterday, I decided to walk home as much as possible. I started on 34th street, walked up 6th ave to the park and over to Lex. While walking up 6th I passed one of the boy's doormen. We made eye contact and said hi to each other. It was kind of strange and funny all at the same time. I wondered if he knew that the boy and I aren't dating anymore. Maybe he didn't even know where he recognized me from, but I feel like doormen in NYC are like middle and high school teachers - they know everyone's business without letting on that they know. Of course I then started imagining how ironic it would be if for some reason I started dating the doorman. (Hey, he's attractive. I just wish I learned his name.)

Anyways, sitting on the couch watching tv is good and all, but sitting on the couch watching tv with someone else is better. Hence, Match.