Monday, November 22, 2010

Trial Day 1

No one told me how exhausting jury duty would be. Oof. I know I usually work for more than 8 hours a day, but sitting in a court room, listening for hours on end, is much more difficult than you would think.

A few observations of the day (not too detailed for fear that someone finds out somehow):
  • Older gentleman wearing a suit, his cuffs were monogrammed and he used a cane. Had he worn a seersucker suit, I would have swooned. I wanted to call him Mr. instead of by his first name.
  • Host/doorman for a restaurant in Midtown where I've had brunch. (No, I did not recognize him. Yes, I found out about almost everyone when I forced them to talk while we were waiting.)
  • Woman who was excused from the jury because she's ridiculous. Sure, she thought her concern was valid. Yes, she ended up excused from the case. In short, she feared she'd be the subject of a TV movie if she stayed on the jury (my conclusion, not hers).
  • Lining up in numerical order is apparently not as easy as it seems. You'd be surprised the number of people who will follow along lining up the wrong way. It felt as though we were in kindergarten. (One guess who asked the court officer a clarifying question because she thought something wasn't right.)
  • Some people can't tell time or would have a serious Org flag if I were to review them. We had lunch until 2:15 - it's not hard to be back by then.
  • The judge can't say my last name.
  • The defense attorney is doing his best to make me not like him. I can't guarantee that's his M.O., if you will, but I do question it.
  • The assistant district attorney doesn't have my full confidence yet either.

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